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Hospital Theatre Project

Sensory Performance for Disabled Children/Children with Constant Medical Care and their Families 

In 2010, Theatre Planning Network launched a sort of outreach project designed for children who cannot visit to theatre. 

In 2016, in order breaking down the social and theatrical conventions which tend limiting children's engagement in performance, we invited Tim Webb & Amanda Webb, both founding members of Oily Cart Theatre Company, UK, for seminar and workshops in Tokyo and Sendai.

Since then, we have been creating and presenting sensory performances for disabled children/children with constant medical care with their families.  Only 6 families for a performance ensures the relaxed atmosphere.  We also make much of "siblings" and their participation enriches our performance.

Our “Company of Hospitality” adapts an idea of Orpheus Process – no conductor engaged, all the company actors, musicians, and staff involve in its creation equally. It is crucial for us to understand what is more important than the others and every member has his/her own discretion and responsibility in performance.

Our audience naturally betray our expectation and convention,and surprise us all the time. We must accept and then become their accomplices for further development of their curiosity and sense of wonder.

Our mission is to make a family memory with  a lot of fun and wonder.

              Kaori Nakayama


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